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Board members

The Non-State Schools Accreditation Board, established under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001, section 105 (repealed 1 January 2018), continued in existence from 1 January 2018 under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017, section 97(1).

The Board consists of seven members appointed by the Governor in Council. Members are appointed for not more than four years but are eligible for reappointment.

Ms Patrea Walton

Ms Patrea Walton
Nominee of the Minister (appointed 12 February 2024 to 9 March 2026)

With an extensive career in education, Ms Walton PSM has held a number of leadership positions including subject master, deputy principal and principal of two Brisbane secondary schools and various senior public service positions with the most recent being Deputy Director-General, State Schooling (2013-2018). Ms Walton has been a member of a number of national committees and advisory boards providing strategic advice on current and emerging education matters. Previous board positions include: (ACARA) Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2014-2018); Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (2014-2017); and Loreto College Coorparoo (2020-2022); Online Formative Management Board (2020-2022); Learning Creates Advisory Board Member (2020–2022); and a member of the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways Panel (2019-2020).

Ms Walton is a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders and was awarded the 2021 ACEL Gold Medal for outstanding contribution to the study and practice of educational administration and leadership. Other acknowledgements include the QUT Education Outstanding Alumni Award (2018); an Outstanding Contribution to Education Award from Australian Council of Deans of Education (2018) and the Public Service Medal (2017).

Other noteworthy achievements include narrowing the Year 12 certification gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, improving NAPLAN performance, introducing a major review into disability policy, and elevating Queensland’s education standards and equity initiatives, earning her the 2016 Australian Human Resources Institute National CEO Diversity Champion award. In 2023 in recognition of her career in education, an honorary doctorate (Doctor of the University) was awarded by Griffith University.

Ms Christine Clarke

Ms Christine Clarke
Nominee of the Minister (appointed 8 February 2024 to 9 March 2026)

Master of Educational Leadership (Australian Catholic University), Bachelor of Education (University of New England), Bachelor of Arts with Honours (University of New England), Diploma in Education (University of New England), Cert IV Theology (Institute of Faith Education).

Christine recently retired after almost 40 years working as teacher and educational leader in Queensland secondary schools. She established her career in Toowoomba before moving to Brisbane in 2011. Christine has worked in rural and urban schools, co-educational and girls’ schools, medium size and large schools. Christine’s leadership roles have included College Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal, Curriculum Leader and Pastoral Leader.

Christine has served as an AITSL Initial Teacher Education Panellist. She is a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders.

Mr Brian ShortMr Brian Short
Nominee of the Minister (reappointed 10 March 2022 to 9 March 2026)

Master of Arts [San José State University], Master of Literary Studies [University of Queensland], Bachelor of Educational Studies [University of Queensland], Diploma of Education [University of Queensland], Bachelor of Arts [University of Queensland]

Mr Short retired as Headmaster of Brisbane Grammar School in 2013 after a 40-year career in secondary education. His leadership roles have included Head of Department, Dean of Studies and Deputy Headmaster — Curriculum, and his teaching experiences have included university lecturing in educational leadership and Australian national government. He was Chair of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority from 2014 to 2022. He remains involved in education as Deputy Chair of Independent Schools Queensland Block Grant Authority.

Mr Short is a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators and the Australian Institute of Management and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Mr Terence BurkeMr Terence Burke
Nominee of the Minister (reappointed 10 March 2022 to 9 March 2026)

Master of Educational Administration [University of Queensland], Bachelor of Education [James Cook University], Graduate Diploma in Education (Religious Education) [Australian Catholic University], Certificate in Governance for Not-for-Profits [Governance Institute of Australia], Graduate [Australian Institute of Company Directors], Certificate in Finance [University of New South Wales]

Mr Burke has been the Secretary of the Queensland Independent Education Union for over 25 years. In this role he has an overall responsibility for budgeting, expense management, governance, implementation of strategic planning and reporting to members and the regulator.

Mr Burke has current directorships on NGS Super, Teachers Union Health and previously the then Queensland Board of Teacher Registration. He has readily articulated knowledge and practice of corporate governance, risk identification and management and due diligence.

Mr Duncan AnsonMr Duncan Anson
Nominee of the Director-General of Education (appointed 7 September 2023 to 9 March 2026)

Bachelor of Business [Queensland University of Technology], Graduate [Australian Institute of Company Directors], Fellow of CPA Australia

Duncan is the Chief Finance Officer and an Assistant Director-General within the Queensland Department of Education. In his role, Duncan provides strategic financial advice to the department's chief executive and has overall leadership of the finance strategy, functions and systems. Duncan also leads procurement, fleet and facilities management services.

Duncan has over 20 years' experience in the Queensland public sector and commenced with the Department of Education in January 2017. Most recently, Duncan acted as Deputy Director-General for People, Information and Communication Services, where he led the department's human resources, information and technologies, and strategic communication and engagement functions.

Prior to commencing with the Department, Duncan served as the Chief Finance Officer in two other Queensland Government departments for more than 7 years.

Christopher MountfordChristopher Mountford
Nominee of Independent Schools Queensland (reappointed 10 March 2022 to 9 March 2026)

Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) [University of Queensland], Bachelor of Economics [University of Queensland], Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Christopher Mountford was appointed the Chief Executive Officer for Independent Schools Queensland in June 2021. Previously, he held the position of Queensland Executive Director of the Property Council of Australia. He has specific expertise in the areas of policy, government advocacy and commercial activities. Christopher has more than two decades of experience in member-based advocacy organisations and government relations. Importantly, he also has an exceptional understanding of government regulation and has been influential on numerous state and local government advisory boards.

Christopher is also a volunteer Parent Ambassador for Act for Kids, an Australian charity focused on treating and preventing child abuse.

Mr Allan BlagaichMr Allan Blagaich
Nominee of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (appointed 7 September 2023 to 9 March 2026)

Allan Blagaich was appointed as Executive Director, Queensland Catholic Education Commission in June 2023 and commenced in the role in September 2023. Prior to this appointment, Mr Blagaich was the Executive Director of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Western Australia (WA), (2011-2023). In this role he worked closely with the Association of Independent Schools Western Australia, Catholic Education Western Australia and the Department of Education Western Australia.

Prior to 2011, Allan held the roles of Executive Director, Statewide Planning and Delivery (2010-2011) and Executive Director Metropolitan Schools (2008-2009) at the Department of Education WA. Allan was a principal of a senior secondary school in WA (2002-2008) and Deputy Principal in three senior secondary rural, outer metropolitan and metropolitan schools.

Allan has served as chair of the Australasian Curriculum Assessment and Certification Authorities (ACACA) in 2012 and 2013 and as chair of the Australasian Curriculum Assessment and Certification Authorities Vocational Education and Training Committee (2011-2023). He was a board member of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) representing WA. Allan was a foundation director of the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and served as the West Australian jurisdictional nominee for three years. He was one of the three writers charged with developing the Australian Professional Standard for Principals.

In 2006, Allan was awarded Rotary Principal of the Year and was subsequently awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate how systems support schools facing challenging circumstances. He undertook his fellowship in 2008 studying education systems in Chicago, Boston, New York, Toronto, England and Scotland.

Last updated 14 May, 2024

List of members