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Forms and notices

It is essential that applicants allow sufficient time for an application to be processed. Applications may take up to six (6) months to be processed.

Application forms and notifications must be made to the Board. The approved forms and notices are listed below. Further information about the application forms and notices can be found in these factsheets.

For clarification in relation to which form to use, contact the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board Secretariat on telephone number: (07) 3513 6773 or email:

Ref. no. Application type Description
NSCH-F New non-state school Use this form to apply for a new non-state school.

Note: The student-intake day of the proposed new school should not be less than six months from the lodgement date.

PDF Fillable [1.1MB]
ASIT-F New site and relocate site Apply for a new site for an existing school or a relocation of an existing site.

Note: The student-intake day should not be less than six months from the lodgement date.

PDF Fillable [1.25MB]
NTE-F New type of education Apply to add primary or secondary education if the school is currently accredited for either primary or secondary education only.

Note: The student-intake day should not be less than six months from the lodgement date.

PDF Fillable [1MB]
CTGB-F Change in governing body To be used when a school's governing body is changing from one incorporation to another incorporation.

Note: Allow sufficient time for consideration of this application (at least six months from the lodgement date).

PDF Fillable [0.35MB]
CATT-F Change of attributes of accreditation Apply to add additional attributes: years of schooling to an existing accreditation (e.g. Year 11 and Year 12), mode of delivery (e.g. distance education), gender, boarding, special assistance.

Note: The student-intake day/commencement day should not be less than six months from the lodgement date.

PDF Fillable [764KB]
Change to relevant student-intake day Apply to change the relevant student-intake day for a type of education (primary, secondary, special) and/or years of schooling.

Information regarding unforeseen circumstances that prevent the school from complying with the accreditation criteria by the relevant student-intake day is required.

If the application is made within 45 days of the approved student-intake day, an additional explanation is required regarding the unforeseen circumstances that arose within the 45-day period, preventing the school from providing a type of education or a year of schooling by the relevant student-intake day.

Applications to change the relevant student-intake day(s) are now made on NSSAB Online Services.

EFGF-F Eligibility for Government funding To be used by a governing body to apply for an existing accredited non-state school to be eligible for State government funding. PDF Fillable [0.28MB]
Ref. no. Temporary special assistance sites Description
TSAS-F1 SAS - Intention to use temporary special assistance site Use this notice if the governing body of a non-state special assistance school intends for the school to provide, on a temporary basis, special assistance at a temporary site. PDF Fillable [0.36MB]
TSAS-F2 SAS - Intention to stop use of temporary special assistance site This notice applies if the governing body of a non-state special assistance school has stopped providing special assistance at a temporary site. PDF Fillable [0.73MB]
Ref. no. Notices Description
ANLA-F Attribute of accreditation no longer applying To be used to remove attributes of accreditation from the school: whole school site, mode of delivery, years of schooling, gender, boarding, special assistance. PDF Fillable [0.23MB]
CCIR-F Change in circumstances The school's governing body is required to give notice about a change in circumstances within seven days after certain events take place. PDF Fillable [0.76MB]
AMAL-F Amalgamation notice To be used when one or more governing bodies propose to amalgamate two or more accredited schools. PDF Fillable [0.24MB]
DIVN-F Division notice To be used when a governing body proposes to divide an existing school. PDF Fillable [0.23MB]
SURR-F Surrender notice Use this notice to surrender a type of education for a non-state school. PDF Fillable [0.71MB]

How to apply

  1. Download and read the relevant document. See instructions below in relation to downloading and saving the documents.
  2. Complete the documentation, ensuring that all necessary details and attachments have been supplied. Information regarding financial viability is included in relevant documents.
  3. Contact the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board Secretariat for assistance if necessary.
  4. Ensure the application addresses and complies with requirements of the legislation.

Board consideration period

The Board is required to make a decision on an application within six months of lodgement.

Forms to update details

Ref. no. Comments
Access Request To be used when applying for school or governing body access to NSSAB Online Services. PDF Fillable [0.25MB]
Name change Advise of a name change for a school or governing body. PDF Fillable [0.13MB]
Principal and school updates Updates to principal and school details are now made on NSSAB Online Services.
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Downloading documents

To download a form or notice listed above, click on either the corresponding reference number or name. Once the file is open, ensure that it is saved to a location on your local drive.

Alternatively, to download a document:

  1. Right-click on the relevant Ref. no.
  2. Select 'Save Target As...' or 'Save Link As...'
  3. Save it to a location on your local drive.
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Submitting documents

All forms and notices may be lodged electronically with the Board through NSSAB Online Services.

Alternatively, electronic copies can be forwarded via email to:

If electronic lodgement is not possible, a printout of the completed documents can be forwarded to the Board. Refer to Contact details for the Board's postal address.

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Last updated 14 March, 2025

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