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Open data

Click on the links below to view copies of the Board's Open data sets. All datasets have been exported from the Board's Register of Non-State Schools.

The Open Data Strategy 2024-2027 [PDF 390KB] details the data collected by the Board, and the publication frequency.

The datasets published below are for the past five years. To obtain copies of the datasets which pre-date this period, contact the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board Secretariat on telephone number: (07) 3513 6773 or email:

Non-State school and governing body details

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
3 June 2024 Non-State school details

Queensland non-State schools and sites (Approved, operating or temporarily not operating) by location, type(s) of education, year level range and governing body.

3 June 2024 Governing bodies of non-State schools Governing bodies of non-State schools and contact details for the office of the governing body.

Accreditation and eligibility for government funding (Accreditation Act 2017)1

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
3 June 2024 Applications for new school and new type of education

Applications for new school and new type of education received by application type, type(s) of education, accreditation attributes and outcome.

3 July 2024 Applications for new site

Applications for new sites received by accreditation attributes and outcome.

4 July 2024 Applications for change to existing sites

Applications for change to existing sites received by accreditation attributes and outcome.

4 July 2024 Applications for changes in relevant student-intake day(s)

Applications for change in relevant student-intake day received by type of student-intake day and outcome.

5 July 2024 Applications for change in governing body

Applications for change in governing body received.

21 August 2024 Amalgamation notices

Amalgamation notices received

21 August 2024 Divisions

Division notices received

21 August 2024 Assessments (Routine)

Completed initial assessments, additional establishment phase assessments and assessments when school starts to operate at a new site by type(s) of education and outcome

21 August 2024 Assessments (Monitoring)

Number of monitoring assessments conducted by assessment area

21 August 2024 Review program

Completed reviews by year due, outcome and year conducted.

21 August 2024 Show cause, Compliance and Information notices Number of show cause, compliance or information notices by grounds and financial year
21 August 2024 Cancellations and Surrenders of non-State schools

Cancellations and surrenders of accreditation of non-State schools (whole and part of school)

21 August 2024 Compliance concerns about non-State schools or their governing bodies (aggregated) Number of concerns received by category
21 August 2024 Notices under the Act

Notices under the Act received by type of notice

Enrolment data

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
16 July 2024 Non-State School full-time enrolments Number of full-time students enrolled in each Queensland non-State schools by year level on the last Friday of February since 2018.
16 July 2024 Non-State School part-time enrolments

Number of part-time students enrolled in each Queensland non-State school by year level on the last Friday of February since 2018.

16 July 2024 Non-State school overseas enrolments

Number of overseas students enrolled in each Queensland non-State school by year level on the last Friday of February since 2018.

17 July 2024 Non-State school English as a second language enrolments

Number of English as a second language students enrolled in Queensland non-State schools by year level by DoE Region and Local Government Area on the last Friday of February since 2018.

17 July 2024 Non-State school Indigenous enrolments

Number of Indigenous students enrolled in Queensland non-State schools by year level by DoE Region and Local Government Area on the last Friday of February since 2018.

17 July 2024 Non-State school Boarding enrolments

Number of Boarding students enrolled in Queensland non-State schools by year level by DoE Region and Local Government Area on the last Friday of February since 2018.

17 July 2024 Non-State school Students with disability enrolments Number of Students with disabilities enrolled in Queensland non-State schools by year level by DoE Region and Local Government Area on the last Friday of February since 2018.
17 July 2024 Non-State school Students with disability enrolments
Number of Students with disabilities enrolled in Queensland non-State schools by type of education by DoE Region and Local Government Area on the last Friday of February since
17 July 2024 Non-State school Students from remote locations enrolments
Number of Remote location students enrolled in each Queensland non-State school by year level on the last Friday of February since 2020.
17 July 2024 Non-State school Students from very remote locations enrolments Number of Very remote location students enrolled in each Queensland non-State school by year level on the last Friday of February since 2020.
16 July 2024 Non-State school Students on Vistor Visas, Bridging Visas with study limitations, or No visas Number of students on Vistor Visas, Bridging Visas with study limitations, or No visas enrolled in each Queensland non-State school by year level on the last Friday of February since 2019.

Enrolment verification program

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
17 July 2024 Non-State schools - enrolment verification program

Non-State schools undergoing enrolment verification by calendar year since 2018, to verify school survey data supplied by the governing bodies of schools through the School Survey Data for Non-State Schools – Qld under section 166 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 and under section 168 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 .

Other data

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
8 October 2024 Non-State Schools Accreditation Board - Consultancy spending

Consultancy spending undertaken by Non-State Schools Accreditation Board by category.

Historical data

Date exported Dataset name Description of data Downloads
28 June 2018 Applications for accreditation under Accreditation Act 20012 Applications received for accreditation prior to and including 31 December 2018 by application type, type(s) of education and outcome.
28 September 2018 Assessments under Accreditation Act 20012 Completed assessments since 2013 to move schools from provisional accreditation to accreditation and assessments for provisionally accredited/ accredited schools commencing new sectors at existing or new sites scheduled to commence by type(s) of education and outcome.
31 December 2017 Show cause, Compliance and Information notices under Accreditation Act 20012

Number of show cause, compliance or information notices by grounds and financial year from 2013-2014 to 2016-2017 financial years up to and including 31 December 2017.

29 June 2018 Applications for eligibility for Government funding under Accreditation Act 20012

Applications for eligibility for Government funding received prior to and including 31 December 2017 by application type, type(s) of education and outcome.

28 September 2018 Complaints about non-State schools or their governing bodies by Category Number of complaints received by category from 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 financial years.
28 September 2018 Complaints about non-State schools or their governing bodies by Outcome Number of complaints received by outcome from 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 financial years.
1. Refers to Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 2. Refers to Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last updated 9 October, 2024

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