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Changes to the Register of Non-State Schools (Qld)

The 'Changes to the Register of Non-State Schools (Qld)' is a monthly publication providing details of updates to schools and governing bodies. Copies published prior to July 2022 are available from the Board Secretariat.

Changes to the Register of Non-State Schools (Qld)

Date In this issue
4 July 2024 [PDF 264KB]
  • Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Australian Industry Trade College - New site (relocation)
  • Deception Bay Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Faith Lutheran College - New type of education - Primary education
  • Gympie Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school) and change in address
  • Hemmant Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Inala Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Mastery Schools Australia - New site
  • Mount Isa Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Noosa Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Rockhampton Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Redwood College - Surrender accreditation
  • Somerville House - Add boarding for year 5 female students
  • Southport Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
  • Townsville Flexible Learning Centre - New site
  • Townsville Flexible Learning Centre - Name Change (school)
6 June 2024 [PDF 182KB]
  • Brisbane Girls Grammar School - New type of education at a new site
  • The BUSY School - Change of attributes of accreditation - New site
2 May 2024
  • No updates were made to the Register of non-state schools in May 2024
4 April 2024 [PDF 177KB]
  • St John's School - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
7 March 2024 [PDF 2856KB]
  • Arethusa College - Change of attributes of accreditation - New site
  • Mungalla Silver Lining School - Change of attributes of accreditation - add boarding
  • St Bonaventure's College - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • St John Henry Newman College - New school
  • St John of Kronstadt Academy - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • The BUSY School - Notification that use of temporary special assistance site has stopped
  • The Rainforest School - Change of attributes of accreditation - new site
  • YMCA Vocational School - Brisbane South - Name change (school)
  • YMCA Vocational School - Ipswich - Name change (school)
  • YMCA Vocational School - Logan - Name change (school)
  • YMCA Vocational School - Moreton Bay - Name change (school)
1 February 2024 [PDF 226KB]
  • Australian International Islamic College - Change to attributes of accreditation - add years of schooling
  • Seton College - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - years of schooling
  • Shaw Catholic College - Name Change (school)
  • The BUSY School - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • The BUSY School - Notification of intention to use temporary assistance site
  • The Younity School - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education and years of schooling
18 January 2024 [PDF 229KB]
  • Darling Downs Christian School - Name change (school)
  • Indie School, Logan – New site
  • Maridahdi Brisbane Primary School - Surrender of accreditation
  • Newman Catholic College - New site
  • St John of Kronstadt Academy - New site (relocation)
  • The BUSY School - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
7 December 2023 [PDF 267KB]
  • Australian Industry Trade College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Brigidine College - Change to relevant student-intake day – type of education
  • Carinity Education - Shalom - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Charlotte Mason College - School not operating
  • Concordia Lutheran College - Change to attributes of accreditation – add years of schooling
  • Good Samaritan Catholic College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Goora Gan Steiner School - Change to relevant student-intake day – type of education
  • Holy Spirit College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Indie School, Logan - New site
  • Josiah College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • King's Christian College - Change to relevant commencement days – mode of delivery
  • King's Christian College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • MacKillop Catholic College, Mount Peter - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Newman Catholic College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Ngulum Wunya School - Change to relevant student-intake day – type of education
  • San Damiano College - Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Sophia College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Sophia Waldorf School - Cancellation of accreditation - type of education
  • St John's Lutheran School - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • St Joseph's College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Stuartholme School - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education
  • Tec-NQ – Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • The BUSY School - New site
  • Ohana College Ltd - Name Change (governing body)
  • Toowoomba Anglican School – Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Warwick Christian College - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
6 November 2023 [PDF 183KB]
  • Humanitas High School - Attributes of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Silver Lining School - Change of attributes of accreditation - new site
9 October 2023 [PDF 213KB]
  • Australian Christian College - Moreton - Name change (governing body)
  • Autism Queensland Education & Therapy Centre - Change of attributes of accreditation - add mode of delivery
  • Goora Gan Steiner School - Change to relevant student-intake days - years of schooling
  • Indie School, Logan - Name change (governing body)
  • Redlands College - Transfer of incorporation (governing body)
  • St John's School - Change to relevant student-intake days - years of schooling
  • The Younity School - Change to relevant student-intake days - type of education
  • Tom Quinn Community Centre Alternative School - Surrender of accreditation
11 September 2023 [PDF 183KB]
  • Enkindle Village School - New site (relocation)
  • Highlands Christian College - New site
8 August 2023 [PDF 218KB]
  • Arethusa College - Notification of intention to use temporary special assistance site
  • Connections Community College - Name change (school)
  • Josiah College - Change of attributes of accreditation - add year of schooling
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Mastery Schools Australia - New site
  • Mastery Schools Australia - New site
  • Ngulum Wunya School - New school
  • St Aidan's Anglican Girls School - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • St Edmund's College - New type of education
  • St John's School - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
18 July 2023 [PDF 194KB]
  • Cairns Hinterland Steiner School - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Connections Community College - Change of attribute - governing body
  • Humanitas High School - New site
  • Lourdes Hill College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • St Ursula's College - Change of attribute - governing body
5 June 2023 [PDF 222KB]
  • Connections Community College - Change to relevant student-intake days - type of education and years of schooling
  • Eaton College - Change to relevant student-intake days - years of schooling
  • Goora Gan Steiner School - New site
  • New Catholic P-12 school Flagstone - Name change (school)
  • Ohana College - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Redwood College - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - years of schooling
  • St John of Kronstadt Academy - New school
  • St Patrick's College and Mercy College - Amalgamation of schools
  • YMCA Vocational School - Logan and YMCA - Vocational School - Redlands - Amalgamation of schools
5 May 2023 [PDF 216KB]
  • Australian Industry Trade College - Division of schools
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Notification of intention to use temporary special assistance site
  • Ohana College - Notification that use of temporary special assistance site has stopped
  • Ohana College - Notification that use of temporary special assistance site has stopped
  • Ohana College - Notification that use of temporary special assistance site has stopped
  • St Aidan's Anglican Girls School - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
12 April 2023 [PDF 230KB]
  • All Saints Anglican School - Change of attributes of accreditation - add boarding
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Ohana College - Notification of intention to use temporary special assistance site
  • St Francis Catholic College, Westbrook - New school
  • St George College - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education and years of schooling
  • The BUSY School - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Tom Quinn Community Centre Alternative School - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - years of schooling
  • YMCA Vocational School - Logan and YMCA Vocational School - Redlands - Amalgamation of schools
6 March 2023 [PDF 198KB]
  • Carinity Education - Rockhampton - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • Challenge Trade and Business College - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • Townsville Flexible Learning Centre - Notice of intention to use a temporary special assistance site
3 February 2023 [PDF 214KB]
  • Brigidine College – New type of education
  • Carinity Education - Rockhampton - New site
  • Compass Independent School - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Mungalla Silver Lining School - Change of attributes of accreditation - add year of schooling and special assistance
  • Notre Dame College - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education and years of schooling
  • Ohana College - Notice of intention to use a temporary special assistance site
  • Ohana College - Notice of intention to use a temporary special assistance site
  • St John's School - New site
25 January 2023 [PDF 219KB]
  • Australian Industry Trade College - Redlands - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Challenge Trade and Business College - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education
  • Good Samaritan College - Notification that use of temporary special assistance site has stopped
  • Hillcrest Christian College - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • King's Christian College - Delay to commencement of attribute - distance education
  • Kluthuthu Christian College - Change to relevant student-intake day - type of education
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Change to relevant student-intake day - years of schooling
  • Shaw Catholic College - Change to relevant student-intake days - type of education and years of schooling
  • Tropical North Steiner School - Surrender of accreditation - primary education
  • Warwick Christian College - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
9 December 2022 [PDF 265KB]
  • Angelorum College – Change to relevant student-intake days – years of schooling
  • Carinity Education – Shalom – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Challenge Trade and Business College – Change to relevant student-intake days – type of education and years of schooling
  • Compass Independent School – New site (relocation)
  • Connections Community College – Change to relevant student-intake day – type of education
  • Goora Gan Steiner School – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Hillcrest Christian College – New site
  • Indie School, Logan – Change to relevant student-intake days – years of schooling
  • Islamic College of Brisbane – Change to relevant commencement days – mode of delivery
  • Loreto College Coorparoo – New type of education
  • Lourdes Hills College – New type of education
  • MacKillop Catholic College. Mount Peter – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Mastery Schools Australia – New site
  • Montessori Noosa – Surrender of acceditation – secondary education
  • Ohana College – Change to relevant student-intake days – years of schooling
  • San Damiano College – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • Silkwood School – Robina Site – Change to relevant student-intake days – years of schooling
  • Sophia College – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • St James College – New type of education
  • St John Fisher College – Change to relevant commencement days – mode of delivery
  • The BUSY School – New site
  • The BUSY School – New site
  • The BUSY School – Change to relevant student-intake day – year of schooling
  • YMCA Vocational School – Moreton Bay – Change to relevant student-intake days – years of schooling
9 November 2022 [PDF 238KB]
  • Bayside Christian College Hervey Bay - Attribute of accreditation no longer applying - site of school
  • Desert Mob Silver Lining School - Surrender of accreditation
  • Eaton College - Change to relevant student-intake days - years of schooling
  • Indie School, Logan - New site
  • Josiah College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • King's Christian College - Change of attributes of accreditation - add mode of delivery
  • King's Christian College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Mastery Schools Australia - Notification of intention to use temporary special assistance site
  • New Catholic P-12 school Flagstone - New school
  • Newman Catholic College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • St Rita's College - Change to relevant student-intake day - year of schooling
  • Toowoomba Anglican School - New site
  • Trustees of Edmund Rice Education Australia - Change of attribute (governing body)
  • YMCA Vocational School - Brisbane South - New site

Last updated <<<<24 July, 2024