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Home > Compliance concerns and Complaints

Compliance concerns and Complaints

Raising compliance concerns about non-state schools, governing bodies or unaccredited places

In the course of performing its duties, the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (the Board) receives compliance concerns about non-state schools and/or their governing bodies, as well as about unaccredited schools. The Board is committed to dealing with compliance concerns fairly, objectively, equitably and in a manner that enables due process.

The Board’s responsibilities under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 (the ‘Act’) include, but are not limited to, monitoring whether non-state schools continue to comply with the requirements for accreditation, and if relevant, eligibility for government funding, under the Act.

The Board prefers written submission of compliance concerns, however will also accept verbal communication. Submissions can be lodged online, by email, post or telephone and may be made anonymously. Reasonable assistance will be provided to concerned parties and complainants if required. This assistance may include help with writing a compliance concern or complaint or by providing services for people with hearing or speech impairments.

How to raise a compliance concern about non-state schools, governing bodies or unaccredited places

To raise a compliance concern, choose one of the following options:

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Raising complaints about the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board

Complaints about the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (the Board), a committee of the Board, a member of the Board or committee or a person appointed by the Board as an authorised person

The Board also receives and deals with complaints relating to its own performance and its statutory functions. The Board welcomes feedback as an effective and valuable tool in staff and business development enabling it to continually work to improve service delivery.

Printed copies of these documents are available on request from the Board Secretariat.

How to make a complaint about the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (the Board), a committee of the Board, a member of the Board or committee, or a person appointed by the Board as an authorised person

To make a complaint, choose one of the following options:

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Last updated 20 August, 2024

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