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Home > Governing bodies > The governing body of a non-State school

The governing body of a non-State school

The governing body of a non-State school must be approved as such by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017.

A governing body must be a corporation.

If a governing body is a company under the Corporations Act 2001 (C’th) and if the governing body is also eligible for Government funding for a non-State school, the governing body is to be a company limited by guarantee.

A governing body must be considered by the Board to be suitable to be, or to continue to be, the governing body of a non-State school.

The Board has a wide statutory discretion about the matters it is able to take account of when considering the suitability of a governing body.

Also, in considering the suitability of a governing body, the Board takes account of whether the governing body has been convicted of an offence, including the nature and circumstances of the offence.

The Board’s prior approval is required to change the governing body of a non-State school.

If the name of a governing body changes, submit a Name change notification to the Board. The form needs to be signed by the person authorised by the governing body to act on its behalf.

Last updated 6 December, 2018