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Home > Census instructions > Authorisation and declaration

Authorisation and declaration

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The Authorisation and declaration, and the submission of the Census form, must be done by the person authorised by the governing body (the 'authorised person') to submit school Census data on behalf of the governing body.

The authorised person must declare the data to be a true and correct record and that all appropriate documentation will be retained by the school/governing body for a period of five years from Census Day, in a way that ensures the integrity and security of the data and documents.

If a person at the school is the authorised person, ensure that person checks the data and completes the Authorisation and declaration by governing body or authorised person section before submitting the Census form. Otherwise you should contact the governing body to let them know the Census form is ready to be authorised and submitted. Also, refer to Arrangements for schools under certain governing bodies on the following page of these instructions.

The diagram below may assist with establishing the path needed to submit the Census form to the NSSAB Secretariat.

Census form submission flowchart

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Arrangements for schools under certain governing bodies

Schools under the following governing bodies are to notify the nominated contacts that the Census forms are ready for authorisation:

All other schools should contact their governing body to find out if an individual at the school/site has been authorised to submit the Census form on behalf of the governing body.

>> Completing the Authorisation and declaration by governing body or authorised person section

Last updated 31 January, 2025