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Completing the part-time students page

Start by looking carefully at the school’s data to see whether there are part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for the minimum period part-time (MPP) of the program or course of study for which the students are enrolled.

Part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for at least the Minimum Period Part-time (MPP) of the program or course of study for which the student are enrolled

If students fall into this category, answer ‘yes’ to the question Did the school have part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for the school for at least the minimum period part-time of the program or course of study in which they are enrolled?.

Select Click here.

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A new window will pop up. Provide the response 'Yes'. Select the OK button.

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A new section will be displayed titled Part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for at least the Minimum Period Part-time (MPP) of the program or course of study for which the students are enrolled.

Enter each part-time student who was attending the school for less than the minimum period during the relevant period into this section on the Census form. You will then be able to determine if they are eligible to be included in the part-time count of the Census.

To start entering a student, select the Add button or Click here.

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A new window will pop up. Enter all of the information as requested. All fields are mandatory.

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Formula MPP

* Minimum period part-time ('MPP'): This figure is calculated automatically from data entered into the Census form. It is calculated as follows:

To determine the MPP, divide 11 by the number of days in the relevant period and multiply this number by the number of days the student is enrolled to attend the school on a part-time basis during the relevant period. The MPP must be rounded up to a whole number.

            Formula: MPP = PTD x (11/RP)

PTD means the number of days during which a program or course of study in which the student is enrolled, is taught in the relevant period.

Levi, a part-time student, is enrolled to attend a non-State school Tuesday to Friday of each week. The school opened on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, so the relevant period for that school is 24 days. For Levi, there are 20 days in his educational program over the RP. This is his PTD.

MPP = 20 days x (11/24)
= 8.71 days rounded up to 9 days

Levi’s MPP is therefore nine days. Note that a part day is taken to be one whole day for the purpose of calculating MPP and PTD.

All part-time students were attending the school during the relevant period for at least the Minimum Period Part-time (MPP) of the program or course of study for which the students are enrolled

If all part-time students fall into this category, answer no’ to the question Did the school have part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for the school for at least the minimum period part-time of the program or course of study in which they are enrolled?.

Select Click here.

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A new window will pop up. Provide the response 'No'. Select the OK button.

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Eligible primary and secondary part-time students

Enter each eligible part-time student individually into the section of the Census for called Eligible primary part-time students (Prep Year to Year 6) or Eligible secondary part-time students (Year 7 to Year 12). Include the Yes students from the section of the Census form called Part-time students who did not attend the school during the relevant period for at least the minimum period part-time (MPP) of the program or course of study in which they are enrolled.

Select the Add button.

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Enter each student according to:

The Census form will calculate the FTE for each student. Please do not include any students who are not eligible (for example, where the column Eligible for inclusion in the Census as a part-time student = No) anywhere on the form.

Students you enter here will be added to the summary Headcount and FTE tables at the bottom of the page.

Please refer to the individual needs category sections for entering part-time ESL, Indigenous, Students from isolated zones and boarding students.

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Reference period

The reference period for determining the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) of a student consists of five continuous school days within the RP.

>> English as a second language (ESL) assistance

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Last updated 31 January, 2025

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