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Home > Census instructions >English as a second language (ESL) assistance > Completing the English as a second language (ESL) fields

Completing the ESL fields

ESL students who attend the school full-time

If you selected English as a Second Language (ESL) students in need of language assistance in the Student profile, and one or more ESL students attend the school full-time, you will need to complete the ESL column under Eligible primary/secondary full-time students. All boxes that you need to complete will appear red in colour and then turn white once you have completed them.

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Enter all Eligible ESL primary/secondary full-time students according to their year of schooling. The number of ESL students cannot exceed the total number of students in the year level.

Once you have entered all students, populate the remaining fields with zero (0) by selecting the Set empty fields to 0 button.

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ESL students who attend the school part-time

If you selected English as a Second Language (ESL) students in need of language assistance in the Student profile, and one or more ESL students attend the school part-time, you will need to complete the ESL checkbox when you enter a student as a part-time student and that student is an ESL student.

After you click on the OK button, the part-time student's FTE will be added to the summary ESL column.

>> Indigenous students

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Last updated 31 January, 2024

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