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Home > Census instructions > Students from isolated zones

Students from isolated zones

Student identification

Identifying the number of students from isolated areas of Queensland attending each non–State school assists the government in allocating the needs component of recurrent assistance. Student isolation is based on the student’s home address when they are not attending school.

Home address means the residential address where the student would normally live with a parent/guardian when thye are not attending school.

You should include only students whose home address is designated Remote Australia or Very Remote Australia in this section of the Census form.

Note: Areas in and around Cloncurry and Mount Isa may be designated as either Remote Australia or Very Remote Australia. Schools with students from these areas should use the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) mapping tool to determine the designation of the home addresses of these students. The tool is available at Choose 2021 Remoteness Area (RA) as the Boundary Type, type the address into the address box, and click the Search icon. Then, click on the screen shot box which will bring up the region.

Examples of the address searches:

Isolation search example 1
Isolation search example 2

Schools should retain the results of these searches for audit purposes.

Map of student isolation

Map showing areas of student isolation

Interstate students

For students from another State or Territory, use the ABS mapping tool to determine isolation.

Note: This is not applicable for students in distance education.

If you have any questions about a student’s eligibility, please contact the NSSAB Secretariat.

Students to exclude

>> Completing the Isolated students fields

Last updated 10 December, 2024

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