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Home > Census instructions > Appendix 1 - Further guidelines - distance education

Appendix 1 - Further guidelines - distance education

Attendance between the start of the school year and ending on Census Day, of distance education students enrolled at a distance education school.


In respect of the Census, a student is taken to be enrolled as a distance education student at a distance education school if:

This is generally referred to as a full service being delivered by the distance education school to its enrolled distance education students.

Distance education students are those who:

Only these students should be included in this part of the Census form. Part-time distance education students are not eligible to be included in the Census.

Elaborative comments

An enrolled student must reside in Queensland. Refer to the Non-exhaustive list of examples of students travelling interstate or overseas.

Other indicators of a full service being delivered by the distance education school to an enrolled distance education student include the following:

Refer to Appendix 2 Non-exhaustive list of examples regarding attendance to identify whether a student may be included in the Census for reasons beyond the control of the student’s parent / guardian, or the student (if they are living independently).

Non-exhaustive list of examples of students travelling interstate or overseas

If a student is travelling interstate or overseas and their home address remains in Queensland during the time of travel, schools should still include them as an enrolled student of distance education if they continue to undertake a full-service delivery course in distance education and fulfil all other required distance education criteria. However, the arrangement must be temporary, and the student must not have relocated their main residential address to another state or country.

Example: Traveling overseas - eligible

Example: Travelling interstate in a caravan – eligible

Example: Relocating to another State – not eligible

Retention of documentation

All enrolment, attendance and related documentation a school uses to complete the Census form is to be retained by the school/governing body for a period of five years from Census Day, and in a way that ensures the integrity and security of the data and documents.

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>> Appendix 2

Last updated 10 December, 2024

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