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Home > Census instructions > Systems and processes > Completing the System and processes page

Completing the Systems and processes page

To start answering the questions, select Click here next to any of the questions.

A new window will pop up where you are able to provide your answers. Once you have answered the first question What system(s) is/are used by the school to record enrolment and attendance data?, all relevant fields you are required to complete will appear. As you complete this section and move through the various cells, you can either enter the information or select from the drop-down options.

Systems and processes


If you have selected ‘Electronic systems’, the following fields will be available for you to complete.

Electronic systems


If you have selected ‘Paper-based systems’, the following fields will be available for you to complete.

Paper-based systems

[top of page]

Combined electronic and paper-based

If you have selected ‘Combined electronic and paper-based systems’, the following fields will be available for you to complete.

Once you have provided all your answers, click on the OK button. The data you have entered will appear on the Systems and processes page.

Click on the Next button at the bottom right of the page or Checklist from the left-hand progress indicator to move to the Checklist page.

[top of page]

>> Checklist

Last updated 10 December, 2024

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