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Home > Census instructions > Appendix 3 - Further guidelines - English as a Second Language (ESL) tuition

Appendix 3 - Further guidelines - English as a Second Language (ESL) tuition


Including a student in this part of the Census depends on whether the school’s principal has decided an enrolled student is classified as a student requiring ESL tuition or not.

The school should assess relevant students and have documented evidence to support the principal’s decision about whether or not the student requires ESL tuition. This evidence must be retained by the school/governing body for a period of five years from Census Day, and in a way that ensures the integrity and security of the data and documents.

Whether or not a student requires ESL tuition

A part-time or full-time student who is eligible to be included on the Census for requiring ESL tuition should be included if, on or before Census Day, the school’s principal has formed an opinion that the student requires ESL tuition at the time of the Census. The principal must document their reasons with substantiating evidence.

Examples: ESL tuition - eligible

Examples: ESL tuition - not eligible

>> Appendix 4

Last updated 10 December, 2024

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